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Campus: MIRA
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ANIT1054A - Animation 6: Effects (AGT2W)
ANIT1068A - Animation II:Character (AGT2W)
BMGE1172A - Business Information Systems (BAMYR2)
BMGE1173A - Human Resources Management (BAMYR2)
BMGE1174A - Strategic Management (BAMYR2)
CCSC1132A - Community Development (SSW6W)
COMM1263C - Documentation Skills For Social Services (HSP2W)
COMM1263C - Documentation Skills For Social Services (SSW2W)
COMM1264 - Applied Writing Skills (ENV2W)
COMM1272A - Business Communications (BAMYR1)
COMM1272A - Business Communications (APA)
COMM1273A - Business Report & Proposal Writing (BAMYR2)
CORR1042D - Youth Corrections (COR2W)
CSSC1119C - Group Process & Practice (EDU2W)
CSSC1119C - Group Process & Practice (SSW2W)
CSSC1126A - Crisis Intervention And Trauma (HSP6W)
CSSC1134A - Legislation In Social Services (SSW6W)
CSSC1146A - Mental Health Awarness For First Responders (POL2W)
CSSC1146A - Mental Health Awarness For First Responders (POLT2W)
ECON1018A - Macroeconomics (BAMYR2)
ECON1019A - Microeconomics (BAMYR2)
EDUE1147A - Children's Well Being (ERL2W)
EDUE1149A - Guiding Children Positively (ERL2W)
EDUE1151A - Inclusive Education (ERL2W)
EDUE1159A - Diversity And Inclusiveness (ERL6W)
FINA1063A - Finance For Business Management (BAMYR2)
GACG1127A - Financial Accounting II (APA)
GACG1127A - Financial Accounting II (BAMYR1)
GDGD1268A - Visual Design II:Vector And Composition (AGT2W)
HCSS1089A - Human Growth And Development Across The Lifespan (NAP12W)
LEGL1061 - Criminal Law (POL6W)
LEGL1102A - Business Law (BAMYR1)
MATH1278A - Financial Math (APA)
MATH1278A - Financial Math (BAMYR1)
MENT1019A - Mental Health Concepts (NAP12W)
MKTG1103A - Marketing Strategy (BAMYR1)
NCSI1194B - Alterations In Mental Health (PSA26W)
NCSI1195B - Communication For Healthcare Professionals II (PSA26W)
NCSI1196B - Maternal And Newborn Nursing Concepts And Care (NAP26W)
NCSI1197B - Community Health Nursing (NAP26W)
NCSI1204B - Mental Health Clinical (PSA26W)
OMGB1025A - Professional Office Skills (APH12W)
OMGB1025A - Professional Office Skills (APD12W)
PATH1037B - Pathophysiology II (PSA26W)
PATH1187B - Pathophysiology I (NAP12W)
PERS1277A - Leading Through Relationships (ERL6W)
PHMC1032B - Pharmacology For The Practical Nurse (PSA26W)
POLI1027B - Social Psychology Of Policing (POL6W)
POLI1028B - Critical Thinking For Policing (POL6W)
POLI1033B - Investigation Interviews And Evidence (POL2W)
POLI1033B - Investigation Interviews And Evidence (POLT2W)
POLI1034B - Conflict Management (POLT2W)
POLI1034B - Conflict Management (POL2W)
PSYC1082C - Mental Health Foundations (HSP2W)
PSYC1083D - Principles Of Behaviour & Intervention (SSW2W)
SAAL1850A - Business Computer Application II (BAMYR1)
SAAL1850A - Business Computer Application II (APA)
SAAL1851B - Computerized Accounting I (APD12W)
SAAL1851B - Computerized Accounting I (APA)
SAAL1851B - Computerized Accounting I (APH12W)
SOCI1040C - Victimology (COR2W)
SOCI1040C - Victimology (POL6W)
SOCI1049C - Introduction To Sociology (HSP2W)
TERM1052A - Medical Terminology: Anatomy & Physiology (APH12W)
TTTT1039A - Medical Transcription (APH25W)