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Campus: JOHN
Term: WIN25
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BIOC1014 - Body Fluid Analysis (MLT12W)
BMGE1167 - Introduction To Business (BAM11W)
BMGE1176A - Information Technology (BAA26W)
BSSI1064 - Energy Management (AEM12W)
BTTB1029 - Aggregates (CET12W)
BTTB1031 - Asphalt Concrete (CET12W)
BTTB1032 - Soils (CET12W)
CCSC1132A - Community Development (SSW26W)
COMM1263C - Documentation Skills For Social Services (SSW12W)
COMM1263C - Documentation Skills For Social Services (HSP12W)
COMM1271A - Professional Business Writing (APA11W)
COMM1271A - Professional Business Writing (BAM11W)
COMM1276A - Writing Fundamentals (APD11W)
COMM1280B - Documentation Skills (POL12W)
COMM1280B - Documentation Skills (PUB12W)
CORR1042D - Youth Corrections (COR26W)
CSSC1119C - Group Process & Practice (EDS12W)
CSSC1119C - Group Process & Practice (SSW12W)
CSSC1126A - Crisis Intervention And Trauma (HSP26W)
CSSC1134A - Legislation In Social Services (SSW26W)
CSSC1146A - Mental Health Awarness For First Responders (POL12W)
CSSC1146A - Mental Health Awarness For First Responders (PUB12W)
ECON1018A - Macroeconomics (BMK26W)
ECON1018A - Macroeconomics (BAA26W)
ECON1019A - Microeconomics (BAA26W)
ECON1019A - Microeconomics (BMK26W)
EDUE1147A - Children's Well Being (ECE12W)
EDUE1149A - Guiding Children Positively (ECE12W)
EDUE1150B - Curriculum Development (ECE12W)
EDUE1151A - Inclusive Education (ECE12W)
EDUE1159A - Diversity And Inclusiveness (ECE26W)
ELETE1079 - Digital Logic (EET12W)
ELTE1079 - Digital Logic (ET12W)
ELTE1080 - Electronic Devices I: Diodes And Transistors (EET12W)
ELTE1080 - Electronic Devices I: Diodes And Transistors (ET12W)
ENTR1095A - Entrepreneurship (BMK26W)
ENVI1089 - Energy Auditing (AEM12W)
ETHI1064A - Corporate Social Responsibility And Ethics (BFM26W)
ETHI1064A - Corporate Social Responsibility And Ethics (BMK26W)
FINA1062A - Corporate Finance (BAA26W)
FINA1066 - International Trade Finance (IBM12W)
GACG1126 - Financial Accounting I (BAM11W)
GACG1126A - Financial Accounting I (APA11W)
GACG1136A - Intermediate Accounting II (BAA26W)
GACG1137A - Accounting Essentials (APD11W)
HCSS1087A - Anatomy & Physiology (PSA11W)
HCSS1089A - Human Growth And Development Across The Lifespan (PSA12W)
HCSS1089A - Human Growth And Development Across The Lifespan (NAP12W)
HMIT1037 - Rooms Division Fundamentals (HTM12W)
HMIT1038 - Revenue Management For Hospitality And Tourism (HTM12W)
HRRH1112A - Learning & Development (HRM12W)
HRRH1113A - Strategic Hr Planning (HRM12W)
INTL1039 - Global Value Chain (IBM12W)
INVE1032B - Professional Financial Planning - Theory & Practice (BFM26W)
IPTI1054 - Municipal Water And Waste Water (PCC26W)
IRRI1012A - Employee/Labour Relations (HRM12W)
LEGL1061 - Criminal Law (POL26W)
LEGL1102A - Business Law (BAA12W)
LEGL1102A - Business Law (BFM12W)
LEGL1102A - Business Law (BMK12W)
LEGL1119A - Intro To Canadian Law (APL12W)
LPTL1038 - Instrumentation I-Basic Laboratory Instruments (MLT12W)
MATH1269A - Math Foundations (WLD11W)
MATH1277A - Business Math (APA11W)
MATH1277A - Business Math (BAM11W)
MENT1019A - Mental Health Concepts (PSA12W)
MENT1019A - Mental Health Concepts (NAP12W)
MICR1024 - Clinical Microbiology Group I-Organisms (MLT12W)
MKTG1102A - Marketing Principles (BAM11W)
MKTG1109A - Marketing Analytics (BMK26W)
MKTG1110A - Integrated Marketing Communications (BMK26W)
MKTG1113 - Hospitality Marketing And Sales (HTM12W)
MNFT1061 - Lean Manufacturung (AMM12W)
MNFT1081 - Material Handling (AMM12W)
NCSI1181A - Geriatric Nursing Care & Concepts (PSA11W)
NCSI1181A - Geriatric Nursing Care & Concepts (SNAP12)
NCSI1182A - Communications For Healthcare Professionals (PSA11W)
NCSI1183B - Nursing Skills Theory I (PSA11W)
NCSI1183B - Nursing Skills Theory I (SNAP12)
NCSI1196B - Maternal And Newborn Nursing Concepts And Care (NAP26W)
NCSI1197B - Community Health Nursing (NAP26W)
OMGB1025A - Professional Office Skills (APL12W)
OMGB1025A - Professional Office Skills (APH12W)
OMGB1025A - Professional Office Skills (APD12W)
OMGB1025A - Professional Office Skills (APE12W)
ORGA1040A - Organizational Behaviour (BAA12W)
ORGA1040A - Organizational Behaviour (BMK12W)
ORGA1040A - Organizational Behaviour (BFM12W)
PATH1187B - Pathophysiology I (NAP12W)
PATH1187B - Pathophysiology I (PSA12W)
PERS1277A - Leading Through Relationships (ECE26W)
PHAR1061 - Integrative Pharmacy Practice (PHA26W)
PHIS1040 - Basic Principles Of Hematology (MLT12W)
PHIS1052 - Transfusion Science-Advanced (MLT22W)
PHYS1140 - Statics (CET12W)
POLI1027B - Social Psychology Of Policing (POL26W)
POLI1028B - Critical Thinking For Policing (POL26W)
POLI1033B - Investigation Interviews And Evidence (PUB12W)
POLI1033B - Investigation Interviews And Evidence (POL12W)
POLI1034B - Conflict Management (POL12W)
POLI1034B - Conflict Management (PUB12W)
PRLP1093A - Blueprint Reading Fundamentals (WLD11W)
PROG1331 - Intro To Programming With Microcontrollers (ET12W)
PROG1331 - Intro To Programming With Microcontrollers (EET12W)
PROJ1040 - Products And Services For A Global Market (IBM12W)
PROJ1103 - Project Management (IBM12W)
PROJ1104 - Facilitation, Negotiation & Decision Making (IBM12W)
PSYC1082C - Mental Health Foundations (HSP12W)
PSYC1083D - Principles Of Behaviour & Intervention (SSW12W)
RESP1050 - Anaesthesia Equipment & Techniques (RTT26W)
RESP1051 - Respiratory Patient Assessment & Advanced Life Support Proto (RTT26W)
RESP1076A - Fundamentals Of Pharmacology For Respiratory Theraoy (RTT12W)
RESP1077A - Blood Gas Theory & Clincial Practices (RTT12W)
RESP1081A - Pulmonary Function Testing (RTT12W)
SAAL1849A - Business Computer Application 1 (BAM11W)
SAAL1849A - Business Computer Application 1 (APA11W)
SAAL1851B - Computerized Accounting I (APL12W)
SAAL1851B - Computerized Accounting I (APD12W)
SAAL1851B - Computerized Accounting I (APE12W)
SAAL1851B - Computerized Accounting I (APH12W)
SAAL1857 - 3D Printing (AMM12W)
SAAL1865A - Administrative Computer Applications (APD11W)
SAVT1063A - Professional Sales And Customer Service (BFM26W)
SAVT1064 - International Sales And Marketing (IBM12W)
SAVT1066A - Professional Sales (CSS12W)
SECR1094A - Office Simulation (APE26W)
SMTT1031A - Metal Fabrication (WLD11W)
SOCI1040C - Victimology (POL26W)
SOCI1040C - Victimology (COR26W)
SOCI1049C - Introduction To Sociology (HSP12W)
STAT1042A - Managerial Statistics 1 (BFM26W)
SVAR1047 - Survey Fieldwork (CET12W)
TERM1052A - Medical Terminology: Anatomy & Physiology (APH12W)
TTTT1039A - Medical Transcription (APH26W)
WDSO1232B - Tools & Equipment: Welding Trades (WLD11W)